Dallas Cane Rush & Wicker Repair

Dallas Texas


We are in the process of moving our studio. Please visit us at our new location starting April 9th. See address and map below.

Types of Seats

Click on image for Information.

Splint SeatSeating

Binder Cane & Shaker Tape

Splint or sometimes called Splits refers to Ash, Oak, & Hickory which has been hand split and pounded from billet logs. Splint is a wider material than tradtional hand cane. It is most commonly woven into either a 3-over-3 or a 2-over-2 herringbone/twill pattern or basket weave. Authentic Hickory and Oak splint materials are both very costly and labor intensive to weave. They produce a wonderful rustic apperance and are very durable. Ash splint is a little less costly and gives a more refined overall look.

photo of
      Splint seat weaving

SLAB RATTAN Splint is a popular & durable alternative to the costly hand split materials. Commons sizes are from 1/2in to 1in wide. like true splint it is most often woven in a 3-over-3 or a 2-over-2 herringbone/twill pattern or basket weave pattern. splint weaving is priced by the dimensional inch, plus materials.

photo of binder cane seat

Binder Cane is a wider true cane material approximatley 1/4in wide. It has a hard, slightly curved, exterior surface and is very durable. It is often seen on porch rocker seats and backs. like splint it is commonly woven in a herrigbone/twill pattern or a basket weave, however, there are many other pattern options available. Binder cane is priced by the dimensional inch, plus the cost of materials.

photo of
      Diamond Shaker Tape weaving photo of
      Shaker Tape

SHAKER TAPE Is a long lasting tightly woven cotton material which was originally pioneered by the Shaker Communities as a back and/or seat material for their chairs and stools. The Shaker Tapes are available in 5/8in or 1in widths. They are available in a rainbow of solid colors or in stripe patterns. Commonly, they are woven either as solid color panel or in 2 colors. An average chair will use about 45 yards of tape per color. Materials for a typical chair can range from $65.00 to $100.00. Most chairs with rungs can be woven with Shaker Tape as a colorful & durable alternative to Rush, Splint or Binder Cane.